Last updated: 11th April 2021
We are all really pleased that we are once again able to offer our much-loved sport to all our players, coaches, parents, carers and supporters. Further details and updates with regards to training, interclub training matches, resumption of League friendlies etc will follow in the coming days once received from the various leagues and regional FA. There are some key points however that we need to draw your attention to below...
Caterham Pumas were very proud to have got our teams back to training and playing matches in a safe environment last year. However, we must all still be very mindful that the threat posed by COVID-19 is still very much with us, so it is important that we communicate to you how things are going to look in grassroots football moving forward. In accordance with Government and FA guidelines we would like to remind you of the following key points:
Spectators – The rule of One Parent/Carer for safeguarding reasons is now removed. Bubbles of Six are permitted for training and all games week commencing 12th April with full social distancing measures still applying.
Social Distancing – Caterham Pumas operate a respect line in accordance with FA Charter Standard requirements. We remind all coaches that respect lines must be in operation for all home matches. We ask that you all familiarise yourselves with the most current NHS and UK Government rules with regards to social distancing; To reduce the risk of catching or spreading coronavirus, you should minimise time spent outside your home, and when around other people (particularly at the ground or watching matches or training sessions) ensure that you are at least two metres apart from anyone not in your household or Support Bubbles (
Social distancing is essential to stop the spread of the virus, as it is more likely to spread when people are closer together. An infected person can pass on the virus even if they do not have any symptoms, through talking, breathing, coughing or sneezing. When with people you do not live with, you should also avoid: physical contact; being close and face-to-face; and shouting or singing close to them. Where you cannot stay 2 metres apart you should stay more than 1 metre apart, and take additional steps to stay safe. For example:
Wear a face covering: on public transport and in many indoor spaces, you must wear a face covering by law, unless you are exempt. You do not need to be socially distanced from anyone in your household, meaning the people you live with. You also do not need to be socially distanced from anyone in your support bubble, if you are in one.
For more information on the latest Social Distancing Advice please review:
Entrance / Exit – Pumas Ground – In line with the latest Government COVID Update and to ensure social distancing is adhered to there will be a strict one-way system in place to enter and exit the Pumas Home Ground that will be clearly marked and signposted.
- The coach's car park via The Grove is STRICTLY for coaches and committee members only – no parents, carers or spectators will be admitted
- For players, parents and carers - ENTRANCE IS STRICTLY only via the Fox car park
- For players, parents and carers - EXIT IS STRICTLY only via the Middle Gate (between Pitches 1 and 2) that leads via the bridal pathway back to the Fox car park
- Coach's Exit is via the Coaches Car Park
Note: The above only applies to matches at the home ground – the Fox pitch is not affected by the one way system, however for any coach/player/parent/carer entering the ground to use either the kiosk or toilets the above will apply.
Note: To help stop the spread of COVID-19, all parents/carers/players/coaches attending the ground will need to undergo a temperature check undertaken by a member of the Club Committee or Club Volunteer (using a temperature gun). This will be taken at the entrances to the ground at the Fox car park and the coach's car park. Failure to do so will result in non-participation of the event and being asked to leave the ground. Should anyone have a positive temperature result (RED), entrance to the ground will be declined in line with current COVID-19 guidelines.
For more information on the symptoms of COVID please review the NHS guidance at
Spitting & chewing gum – As this poses a significant risk of spreading the virus the Club will be actively discouraging our players spitting. Chewing gum is BANNED at our ground and training venues. Any player found with chewing gum will be asked to dispose of it responsibly.
Parental Consent – The coaches were asked to seek the consent of all youth players from a parent or guardian before undertaking any club activity earlier in the season.. THIS ACTION NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED AGAIN UPON RESUMPTION. This consent only needs to provided once but must be recorded either on the form provided by the club or via email to the manager/coach. This consent must be completed prior to the resumption of any football activity.
Player Health Assessments – Must be taken prior to any match or training activity
Test & Trace – Coaches will be keeping records of all players attending both matches and training sessions, which in accordance with Government test and trace guidelines, will be retained for 21 days. If any player develops symptoms please advise your coach who can then assist with the test and trace protocols. Please note that at both our training venues and home ground Official NHS Test & Trace QR Codes are to be scanned in accordance with the NHS Test & Trace app - please ensure that upon arrival at both training and the home ground you check in using this app on your smartphone. There are multiple QR Codes located around the ground to avoid congestion. For more information on the NHS Test & Trace please review
Players' Equipment & Hand Sanitiser – Everyone is used to providing a water bottle for each individual player but as a gentle reminder to reduce the risk of infection it is extremely important that players do not share water bottles. In addition, we would ask you to ensure your child has hand sanitiser and any necessary medication with them at our club activities (training & matches). The Club have now provided multiple hand sanitiser dispensers throughout the ground as well as access to soap and water in the club house to promote good hygiene but we cannot guarantee that other clubs you visit will be offering the same.
For the latest guidance on handwashing please review the latest NHS update at:
First Aid – Please be aware that where minor first aid incidents occur the expectation is that the player's parent/guardian will address this (which is part of the reason why we have asked parents/carers to remain nearby at all sessions including matches). Again, this helps to limit the risk of spreading infection for all parties.
Each team has been supplied with PPE for their first aid kits for when they are required to administer first aid. If additional equipment is required please ensure you speak with a member of the Club Committee. Please note, in line with first aid guidance in relation to CPR, mouth ventilation should not be given to players under 18 - chest compressions only should be administered.
Cleaning of Goals / Equipment – Cleaning spray & wipes will be available to every team when playing at the home ground to ensure that all goals and corner flags are wiped clean at the end of every home match.
Toilets & Kiosk – The toilets will be clearly marked with an entrance and exit and can only be used at designated times as stipulated on the day of your match.
The kiosk will also be open at the Home Ground with a strict one-way/ordering system to reduce congestion. We have contactless payment options so please use this to avoid the handling of cash.
High touch points such as the toilets will be cleaned regularly throughout the match day. When entering the club house face masks MUST be worn (unless exempt through medical reasons).
Travel – The UK Government's guidance of the “the stay at home rule” ended on March 29th. As grassroots sport can continue from this date participants may travel to games but should avoid travel at the busiest times and routes. You must follow all relevant rules relating to Safer Travel and details can be found here:,Coronavirus%20testing,to%20travel%20to%20the%20UK%20.
Changing rooms - Any teams that use changing rooms when playing away these are now available to be used.
FA Code of Behaviour - Resumption of contact play is only achievable if those involved create and maintain a controlled environment that minimises the threat of infection. Risk in sport cannot be completely eradicated but with caution and care these risks can be reduced. Each player will need to decide when to return to contact football, based on their own circumstances and the arrangements that have been put in place for a safe return. This is particularly the case for players from BAME communities or those with underlying health conditions. All those returning to competitive grassroots football must adopt the following code of behaviour:
Be aware of your own personal health. If you show any of the COVID-19 symptoms you must stay at home, inform NHS Test and Trace and seek medical advice..
Be responsible. Read the guidance provided by The FA and by your club so that you are aware of the changes to the game and what is expected of you. This will include things like being prepared to wash your own kit, bringing your own labelled water bottle and being aware of changes to meet-up times.
Maintain social distancing. This won’t always be possible in a competitive match environment (for example when tackling an opponent) and that is acceptable. However, before, and after a game you should maintain social distancing.
Face coverings. Unless you have an exemption, face coverings are mandatory for all staff in retail/hospitality outlets (eg. a club house). This also applies to users of the facility, except when seated at a table to eat or drink.
Support NHS Test and Trace. You will be asked to provide your details so that in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak those potentially infected can be traced. This is to everyone’s benefit so please co-operate.
Do not spit. Spitting and the rinsing out of mouths is now a recognised risk to health and must not be done. Avoid shouting or raising your voice if face to face with other players.
After the game be aware that other users may be waiting to use the club facilities
The Club have drawn up a risk assessment in relation to the safe return to football, which remains constantly under review and updated and is available for all to review on request to the Club's dedicated COVID Officers (Mike Mihalop and Jamie Hardgrave).
FA Documents
We would also like to draw your attention to the FA’s most recent summary document and guidance document for parent/carers, as follows on the link below: